¡Three Amigos! Quotes, Movie quotes – Movie Quotes .com (2025)

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¡Three Amigos! Quotes, Movie quotes – Movie Quotes .com (1)

Title ¡Three Amigos!
Year 1986
Director John Landis
Genre Comedy, Adventure, Western

Interpreted by

  • Steve Martin
  • Alfonso Arau
  • Jon Lovitz
  • Joe Mantegna
  • Martin Hayter Short
  • Chevy Chase

Plot – Dusty Bottoms, Lucky Day and Ned Nederlander are three silent showmen. The spectators love them because they are the heroes of the oppressed people. When their last movie turns into a failure, they are fired by their producer. Carmen, a Mexican girl from Santo Poco, engages them asking their help to face El Guapo, a merciless bandit.

All actors – Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Martin Short, Alfonso Arau, Tony Plana, Patrice Martinez, Jorge Cervera Jr., Kai Wulff, Abel Franco, Fred Asparagus, Jon Lovitz, Joe Mantegna, Philip Gordon, Michael Wren, Gene Hartline, William B. Kaplan, Sophia Lamour, Santos Morales, Phil Hartman, Tino Insana, Craig Berenson, Joshua Gallegos, Norbert Weisser, Brian Thompson, Hector Elias, Hector Morales, Betty Carvalho, Benita Marti, Dyana Ortelli, Humberto Ortiz, Candy Castillo, Jeff O'Haco, Loyda Ramos, Carl La Fong, Randy Newman, Rebecca Ferratti, Cosmo Mata, Brinke Stevens, Tom Tangen

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“¡Three Amigos!” Quotes 16 quotes

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    “- LuckyDay: Dusty, how do you like your bat?
    - Dusty Bottoms: Medium rare.”
    Steve Martin - Lucky Day
    Chevy Chase - Dusty Bottoms

    [Tag:animals, cooking, food]

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    “- Conchita: Carmen, tonight you are to be El Guapo's woman. I am going to give you some hintsabout lovemaking with El Guapo.
    - Carmen: I would rather die first!
    - Conchita: Tell me, Carmen, do you know what foreplayis?
    - Carmen: No...
    - Conchita: Good! Neither does El Guapo.”
    Loyda Ramos - Conchita
    Patrice Martinez - Carmen

    [Tag:kidnapping, sex]

  • “- Dusty Bottoms: Time for plan B. Plan A was to breakinto El Guapo's fortress.
    - Carmen: And that you have done, now what?
    - Dusty Bottoms: Well we really don't have a plan B. We didn't expect for the first plan to work. Sometimes you can overplan these things.”

    Chevy Chase - Dusty Bottoms
    Patrice Martinez - Carmen

    [Tag:expectation, ideas, strategy]

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    “So, I just wait herethen?” Steve Martin - Lucky Day

    [Tag:prison, waiting]

  • “- El Guapo: Jefe, you do not understand women. You cannot forceopen the petals of a flower. When the floweris ready, it opens itself up to you.
    - Jefe: So when do you think Carmen will open up her flowerto you?
    - El Guapo: Tonight, or I will kill her!”

    Alfonso Arau - El Guapo
    Tony Plana - Jefe

    [Tag:conviction, sex, women]

  • “- Rosita: Have you ever kissed a girl?
    - Dusty Bottoms: Oh yeah, sure. Lots of times.
    - Rosita: Would you like to kissme?
    - Dusty Bottoms: Yeah.
    - Rosita: Well?
    - Dusty Bottoms: What? Now? Here?
    - Rosita: Well, we could take a walkand you could kissme on the veranda.
    - Dusty Bottoms: Lips would be fine.”

    Benita Telles - Rosita
    Chevy Chase - Dusty Bottoms


  • “- Juanita: Which one do you like?
    - Carmen: The one that's not too smart.
    - Juanita: Which one is that?”

    Dyana Ortelli - Juanita
    Patrice Martinez - Carmen

    [Tag:like, stupidity]

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    “Do you have anything besides Mexican food?” Chevy Chase - Dusty Bottoms


  • “Mount up! ... It means get on your horses.”
    Steve Martin - Lucky Day


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    “I like these guys! They are funnyguys!” Alfonso Arau - El Guapo

    [Tag:amusement, seeing]

  • “Can I have your watch when you are dead?”
    Humberto Ortiz - Pablo

    [Tag:death, inheritance]

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    “- Ned Nederlander: Tell us we will die like dogs.
    - El Guapo: You will die like dogs!
    - Dusty Bottoms: No, we will not die like dogs, we will fightlike lions!”
    Martin Hayter Short - Ned Nederlander
    Alfonso Arau - El Guapo
    Chevy Chase - Dusty Bottoms

    [Tag:courage, death, fighting]

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    “You wanna die with a man's gun. Not a little sissy gunlike this.” Tony Plana - Jefe

    [Tag:killing, weapons]

  • - Harry Flugleman: Do you know what "nada" means?
    - Dusty Bottoms: Isn't that a light chicken gravy?

    Joe Mantegna - Harry Flugleman
    Chevy Chase - Dusty Bottoms

    [Tag:language, meaning]

  • “- Bartender: We don't have no beer, just tequila.
    - Ned Nederlander: What's tequila?
    - Bartender: ...It's like beer...
    - Dusty Bottoms: Is it fattening?
    - Bartender: ...Fat-ten-ing?”

    Martin Hayter Short - Ned Nederlander
    Chevy Chase - Dusty Bottoms

    [Tag:drinking, words]

  • “- El Guapo: Jefe, what is a plethora?
    - Jefe: Why, El Guapo?
    - El Guapo: Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no ideawhat it means to have a plethora.
    - Jefe: Forgive...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Alfonso Arau - El Guapo
    Tony Plana - Jefe

    [Tag:anger, education, meaning]


¡Three Amigos! Quotes, Movie quotes – Movie Quotes .com (2025)
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